I will never play Fortnite ever again

One day at elamantary skool I heared my friends toking about a game caled Fortnite. At first, I thought Fortnite sucked cause it was a PUBG and H1Z1 rip-off. But it was a Friday so momy can give me an my sis our compyutors and fones bacck! I finaly came back from skool and threw my booc bag agenst the wall and went to my compyutor to downlode the epic game launcher and play some fortnite. I waited 2 long days so fortnote can installe. It finally statred and the big green button with the werd "Launch" apeered. I kilcked on lunch and the transperent fortune logo poppped up. I was readdy to play some fortnight. I went to the wayting room and I saw a ginger freak as my karaktor. I quikly wasted 20 dollars on cosmetics and skins that I do not need and used it. I went into a solo gayme and when I was in a lobby I found a dood with a plague mask crotch toards me. I hit him with my pikackse but i didnt work cuz peeple had invincibility in lobby and his name was TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon (exactly that i remememeber cuz i hav a fotografik memeory). We went into the thicc blur battle bus and I dropped of into Wayling Woulds to find some lout. There was a Tchest in an abandonenednd housse. I hold E to looot. I got A thicc shield potion a med kit and a UNcommun gren tatktikal mashine gun. But somthing wird came with it 2. A knife was the colour red for"deadIy"andI did e bit of reserche on fortine so i can perpare myslef. There was no red rarity tier. and then b4 you no it TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon stabbed me with taht nife. I ragequiited and then I got somthing. A freind request from TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon.CORYosity hit me harder then my pp and my dumbass exepted the frend requesst. I joined in the lobey with TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon but there were 2 more of his kiind. there was a dude named DeStRoYeD CiRclE and bROkEn sQuArE. I can heer their voice now bROkEn sQuArE's voice was extremely deep (deeper then how i fuked ur mommy hahahaha) and DeStRoYeD CiRclE's voice was liek and egey teeen. but TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon's voice tho. was very very glitchy. They wanted me to go to tilted but I didnt want to so I went to greesy grove. then somthing od happppened. I got cilled instatantly. There was no one in the hosse i entered in. and then bROkEn sQuArE said: "HEY WHY DID YOU BREK THE SQUAD" Then my rebep me replyed: "STFU you gays suck I hope you all dye in a big fire that i woodn't wich on my werst emeny" and then TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon replyed: "I c how it is" and then the game... closed by itslef? I tried kilking on launch but instead of the grey button say running or busy it say "lEaVe!". I then quikly exit and saw my desktop was.... distorded? and theb the bg turned into a red triangle in a black bg. and too notepad files apred. I clicked on the first one witch was named "ei7u3r"witch red "YoU ShOUlDnT hAve DoNe thAt!" i exited and clicked on the other one witch was named yu3g5tvg and red" "YoUr cOmpUtEr Is deAd So WiLL YOu bE DEaD iN TwO DAYS GET YOUR DEATH BED REDDY" and then I heared by noticification bell reng on my phone and i saw it it was from a number witch was 1337 666f and I assumed it was TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon. It sed we aRE"YouR wOrSt NiGHtMaRe LoOK OutsIDE YoUr DOoR" I didnt want 2 but I had 2. so I looked outside my door and saw a dood with a plague maske and a rob holding a chainsaw and starting it. I quikly sprinted into the kichen and grabbed a kichen nife and I went to the front door and sprinted toards TrIaNgLe deFoRmAtIon and I stabbed him repeadidly in a stumachand I took off the mask and I saw... Donald Trump? What? I brushed it off like it was nothing and I axed my japanese frend if i can roooom with him cuz i like anime and i haf a lot of waifus who are thicc and most of them are children anywho I brot my laptop 2 and a new fone cause that one over heated and died 2. I now live with my body pillows and anime dolls happily ever hafter. Oh? What do I think about Fortnate? Well Fortnut is trending all over Youtub (at least when im righting dis) and I am suprised peeple like this death mashine. I think Fortnest should be banned by parents and lil kid shood not play fortain. bye.